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Catchment Groups.

The Peaks to Points Festival is supported by catchment groups from across Brisbane’s south side. Each community catchment group plays a vital role in ensuring the protection and health of our catchments and natural areas.


To find out more about your local catchment group and how you can get involved in any of the onground, educational or training activities, click on the links to the left.


Peaks to Points showcases the achievements of these catchment groups and environment and community groups from Flinders Peak, all the way to Moreton Bay.

Bulimba Creek Coordinating Catchment Committee Inc. (B4C) is a grass roots group in Brisbane’s east, working to protect and enhance the urban environment.


Bulimba Creek catchment is the second largest on Brisbane’s south side. Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee Inc. (B4C) was established as an incorporated catchment and landcare group in 1997. Its success as an organisation has been achieved to a major degree by the efforts and outcomes of the services provided by the Ecosystem Services Unit.


As a Social Enterprise, B4C reinvests the majority of its profits in supporting the environment and the community. Its activities with the community are undertaken through education and school projects, supporting bushcare groups when requested and by providing the community opportunities to be involved in tree planting, weeding and working on waterways and bushlands.

B4C’s office is located at the Sustainability Centre in Carindale.

The Oxley Creek Catchment Association’s (OCCA) mission is to protect and enhance the natural environment and resource values of Oxley Creek catchment by partnering, educating, advocating and participating in catchment management.


OCCA promotes community action, green businesses and cooperation between all the stakeholders of the catchment of Oxley Creek, including government, community and industry.


Oxley Creek, a tributary of the Brisbane River, drains a catchment area of approximately 26 000 ha in the local government areas of Logan City and Brisbane City, and a small area of Ipswich City. Oxley Creek has its headwaters on the northern slopes of Mount Perry in the Flinders Peak area. The creek stretches some 70 kilometres, of which 11km is tidal, and eventually discharges into the Brisbane River at Tennyson/Graceville. The eastern tributaries are Stable Swamp Creek, Moolabin Creek, Rocky Water Holes and Sheep Station Gully. From the west, the waterways of Crewes, Blunder, Hanleys and Little Doris flow into the main creek.


OCCA is currently working with the International River Foundation to establish community environmental networks in the catchment of the Bremer River at Ipswich.


You can help revitalise the catchment by joining our CreekCare Program. The volunteer CreekCare Team goes out each week to local Bushcare sites and performs on-ground works such as weed control, plantings and site maintenance. It’s a fun and rewarding way to spend a morning. Or you may like to join us at our Nursery on Thursday mornings to learn about propagation of native flora, or learn about our amazing catchment through our Environmental Events Program.

The Norman Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee is a not for profit organisation established in 1996 with key members from that time still active now. We’re a community-based not-for-profit group, totally independent of government or industry.


Staffed by volunteers, the goal of N4C is to improve and maintain local waterways by protecting and rejuvenating the local ecosystem. We do this through the following activities:


  • Co-ordinate the activities and involvement of governments, residents and groups in our catchment

  • Involve, educate and empower the local community in our catchment

  • Protect and enhance the ecological values in our catchment


Brisbane’s Norman Creek catchment is an area of land fringed by natural features, including hills, from which captured water flows down through a network of streams and creeks on its journey into the Brisbane River before entering Moreton Bay.  In the catchment there are 24km of waterways, including 15km of freshwater creeks.  The catchment covers almost 30 square kilometres and is home to almost 100,000 people. Norman Creek catchment is the most heavily urbanised catchment in Queensland – most of the surface area is covered with roads, concrete and housing.

What we do:

  • Creek restoration including weed identification and replacement with local native trees, shrubs, grasses and groundcover

  • Protection of existing vegetation

  • Representation to Council and other statutory planning authorities to improve environmental outcomes from proposed infrastructure projects

  • logical studies and GIS Mapping.


Wolston and Centenary Catchments describes the combined catchments of Wolston Creek and various sub-catchments in the Centenary Suburbs which feed directly into the Brisbane River.


The Wolston Creek catchment comprises Wolston Creek and two tributaries, Bullockhead Creek and Sandy Creek, covering an area of 45 square kilometres. The latter two creeks begin in the Greenbank Military Training Area 11 kilometres to the south. Despite pressure from urban development, the Wolston Creek catchment still boasts significant ecosystems, including platypus habitat. It also contains the now-protected 138 hectare Pooh Corner site, which hosts a regional ecosystem now endangered in south east Queensland.


The Centenary Catchments have a combined area of some 20 square kilometres and consist of Mount Ommaney Creek and Jindalee Creek plus several other minor, unnamed creeks, all of which drain separately into the Brisbane River.  This catchment is highly urbanised, mainly residential but with natural bushland reserves along the Brisbane River, creeks and at other locations.


The Wolston and Centenary Catchments group (WaCC) is a community-based organisation dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the values of the waterways of the catchments. WaCC links people with an interest in the health of their local catchments and waterways. Since its inception in 2008, WaCC has been working towards a healthier and more biodiverse waterway system through on ground work and community education.

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