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The Flinders Peak to Moreton Bay corridor is a mosaic of lands under a variety of ownerships, tenure and jurisdictions. It links the western remnant natural areas of White Rock/Flinders Peak Conservation Parks to the protected eastern habitats of Karawatha Forest and Redland City’s Koala Coast.


Whilst much of the corridor is broken up by residential and industrial development and transport links, it does include some large tracts of relatively undisturbed land such as the Greenbank Military Training Area, Pooh Corner, Toohey Forest, Karawatha Forest Park, Kuraby Bushlands, Mount Gravatt Outlook Reserve, Whites Hill Reserve, Belmont Hill and Parkinson Bushland. Key waterways include Wolston Creek, Jindalee Creek, Oxley Creek, Norman Creek, Bulimba Creek along with their tributaries, plus the Leslie Harrison Dam Catchment and coastal Eprapah Creek.

This Flinders Peak to Moreton Bay corridor is one of the last green linkages connecting the rural mountainous areas near Flinders Peak, south of Ipswich, to the Moreton Bay coastline in Redland City. This corridor protects our precious biodiversity by providing habitat corridors through which plants and animals can spread or forage, search for a mate or find a roost.

The corridor includes natural areas that provide habitat for some of Queensland’s rare and endangered species, such as the powerful owl, green-thighed frog, and five of the six species of gliders found in Queensland.


Green corridors also save millions of dollars in environmental services by reducing storm water run-off, ensuring water quality, controlling air pollution and preserving the genetic pool of our bushlands.


The Corridor – Why is it important ?


Within the Ipswich to Redland area, the Queensland Government has recognised the importance of the  40 kilometre long Flinders-Greenbank-Karrawatha corridor, which provides a vital sanctuary for many threatened species of flora and fauna.


These include the spotted-tailed quoll, yellow-bellied glider, glossy black cockatoo, koala, powerful owl and a number of frog species. Endangered flora species found in the corridor include the Angle Stemmed Myrtle, Boonah tuckeroo, Plunkett mallee and Shiny-leaved coondoo.

Nearer to Moreton Bay, one of the largest and last remaining koala populations can be found in the Koala Coast, along with significant shore birds in the wetlands and saltmarshes, with turtles, dugongs and migrating whales in the waters of Moreton Bay.


But the corridor is under continual threat from ongoing residential and industrial development, which is further chipping away and freagmenting these precious natural area. Local environment, conservation and community groups are working to retain existing natural areas and to improve degraded areas, to increase habitat connections for our native fauna.



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